BKS offers the expertise and professionalism of its staff to provide advice to public and private companies in matter of:
- current regulation on radioactive waste;
- legislation about transport of radioactive material and dangerous goods by road, by air, by rail, by ship (ADR, IATA, RID, IMDG);
- classification of radioactive waste;
- rules for import, production, trade, transportation and storage of radioactive material;
- radiation protection;
- protection devices;
- decommissioning and radioactive waste management;
- legislation on traceability of waste (SISTRI);
- special waste forms and Waste Identification Codes;
- design, manufacture and supply of equipment for the treatment and the conditioning of low and intermediate level radioactive waste;
- safety and health of workers;
- environment protection and company management systems;
- design, engineering and manufacturing, supply, of packages.
To get more information about radiation protection, you can consult RPA web site at the following address: